Does Dimming Lights Save Energy?
With electricity prices expected to rise again next year, a growing number of Americans are on the lookout for new ways to conserve energy. To this end, dimmers are a simple and convenient solution.
How to Prepare for Severe Weather
Sunny days can turn stormy at the drop of a hat. Wind, rain, and snow can cause serious damage, and in the most extreme cases, can even be life threatening. Make sure you’re ready
Is Natural Gas Renewable or Nonrenewable? What You Need to Know
In today's rapidly changing energy landscape, it's crucial to understand the sources of the energy we use and their impact on the environment. Natural gas is one of the most common energy sources, but
What is an Energy Star Appliance?
Purchasing an ENERGY STAR appliance not only cuts utility costs; it also protects the environment. Founded in 1992 by the Environmental Protection Agency, the ENERGY STAR Program was designed to help Americans save money,
Types of Smart Home Appliances
In the old days, if you accidentally left the furnace running while you were at work, you had no choice but to pay the cost. Waste was common and a large portion of the