What is Refrigerant?
What is refrigerant? Refrigerant is the core component of your central air conditioning system. It circulates between the condenser and evaporator, absorbing heat from inside your home and transferring it outside. Modern air conditioners
What to Know Before Switching Electricity Providers
Switching electricity providers lets homeowners take advantage of competitive pricing. America began deregulating its electricity markets in the late 1990s. And while deregulation has not been embraced everywhere, 29 states allow competition from independent
How Much Money Can You Save Cooking Outside?
Unlike cooking outside, cooking inside can be expensive. Stoves and ovens use a surprising amount of power. Electric stoves use roughly 1,000 - 3,000 watts, while stoves use about 2,000 - 5,000. What's more,
Is Electricity Cheaper at Night?
Like any other commodity, electricity prices are driven by demand. When demand goes up, consumers pay more. When it goes down, they pay less. As a result, electricity is cheaper at night and more
How to Save Money on Home Repairs
Yesterday was Financial Awareness Day, a time for Americans to take a look at our savings and consider our future. Where is our money going? Are we investing wisely? Will we be ready to