How Much Does It Cost to Run a Central Air Conditioner?
Air conditioners are energy intensive devices. During summer, there’s a good chance they consume more electricity than anything else in your home. How much does it cost to run a central air conditioner? Answering
How to Build a Winter Storm Emergency Kit Before You Lose Power
We used to say “winter is coming” when a certain fantasy T.V. drama was running but winter has hit, and hit hard. If you lose power during a winter storm, do you have everything
Don’t Let Vampire Appliances Haunt Your House
October is a frightfully good time to address a mostly unknown problem that occurs in most homes–”vampire appliances”. Vampire appliances are items in your home that remain plugged in, accessing power and energy even
How To Choose An Energy Supplier
Competitive energy markets and substantial changes in state regulation of the energy industry have provided many benefits to consumers. You now have more choice than ever deciding who your energy supplier is for natural gas
Why Choose Natural Gas?
Natural gas may seem like a commonplace utility, but do you know why it’s an optimal energy source to fuel your home? Here are three main reasons why you should choose natural gas to power